Who are you and can we help?

For those matters when you just don’t need a fully-fledged firm of solicitors, we can help. We work with businesses and with individuals across Cornwall providing legal advice on a range of issues:

  • Dispute resolution. We can help resolve disputes before they become costly and time-consuming.
  • Company creation. From incorporation, to preparing agreements between directors, shareholders, investors, employees and more.
  • Contract review. Received a contract that you’re just not sure about? We can talk through it with you to make sure you understand the implications before signing.
  • Terms and conditions. So important but so often overlooked. We can help ensure that you are protected when supplying goods or services to others.
  • A legal-eye-view. If you just need someone to sit with you and give a legal opinion on the chosen direction for your business. We can provide both legal and commercial insight.

We assist start-ups by providing cost-effective legal documents and advice to ensure that things get off on the right foot, for the times when things may end up on the wrong foot.

We assist established business by being the in-house legal advisor that you don’t need to employ. You can engage our services for one day per week, one day per month, one day per quarter or whenever you need us. We work with you to provide flexible arrangements so that you can have the benefits of an in-house solicitor, without the need to increase your head count.

We assist individuals who may be afraid to pick up the phone to a traditional law firm. We don’t bill by the minute. We won’t charge you for responding to a quick email. Instead, we will get to grips with your issues quickly and efficiently and provide you with robust legal advice.

Whoever you are, if you have a legal issue that you would like us to consider, please get in touch. We are not a firm of solicitors but we do know the law.