It has been a fantastic six months since starting The Law Collective with a view to providing affordable legal advice to businesses and individuals in Cornwall.
So far, we have met some fantastic clients engaged in all manner of business in the Duchy and our recent work has helped confirm that we are offering something different, something affordable and something where we can build solid client relationships for the long term.
One thing that has been quite inspiring is seeing the depth of entrepreneurialism here in Cornwall. There are many people out there making a go of running a small business, sometimes alongside full-time work. That is how I started my first business and I would recommend it to anyone considering taking the plunge and setting up something new for the first time.
It has been a long time since I practised law as a solicitor, wearing a pinstripe and polished shoes (occasionally), sitting in an air-conditioned office and surrounded by lovely people but large piles of paper and larger piles of stress. To me, the independence offered by legal consultancy works well but, of course, it does not work for all as you never quite know where your next piece of work is coming from.
Let’s see what the next six months bring. If it brings you, please get in touch today to see if we can help provide you with a bit of legal advice.